Friday, April 3, 2009

no response means no

I was reading something on #agentfail on bookends, which is the writer's response to #queryfail, and as valid as some of the point were, there was something that I took to heart. I really don't like the "no response means no" that some literary agents take. One literary agent made the point that if you send off cover letters and resumes you don't expecting responses from the companies. 

But this is where I beg to differ. Maybe it's because I'm in the healthcare industry that I make this analogy but I think it's completely true. If you have blood tests done or any medical tests done, don't you expect your doctor to let you know if they are normal? I think that this is a much better analogy because when we write and send off queries, we are sending off our babies. We are exposing our pride and joys to strangers, and we want to know if there's going to be a marriage out of it. 

And when agents say that it's not what they love, I totally respect that. The agent has to sell it, and if they don't love the novel, they aren't going to do it justice. Would you recommend a book to someone that you only had luke warm feelings? No, so don't expect the agents to do that either. 

In every industry you're going to have the good and bad professionals. The hard part is finding the right ones for you. I tell people all the time, querying is like speed dating. It's hard to find that right one person for you in five minutes, but you hope you sparked enough interest for a second date. 

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