Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The first blog

I always think that the first blog is the most daunting. This is where you meet me and in one minute or less I'm suppose to catch your attention, dazzle you with my wit, and intrigue you with my in wisdom. That is all hard to do with Elmo playing in the background and a sink full of dirty dishes to distract me. 

When I look back on my life, and it hasn't been that long, I realize that I over came a lot. There was a lot of trepidation the first time I sewed someone up or delivered my first and only baby in the ERs. I didn't feel as much anxiety or fear when my own baby was delivered six weeks early or was in the NICU for several days. I would like to think it was because I was well prepared with my training, and as a nurse anticipated what was coming next and planned accordingly. 

But... with that being said, NOTHING could prepare me for the emotional roller coaster of trying to be published. So that is what this is... This is where I get to express my feelings on queries, conferences, pitches, re-writes, literary agents, and everything else in between, and I'm hoping that this will turn into a forum where other people can relate, vent, and most of all laugh. 

So, let's buckle up. It will be a bumpy ride.  


  1. Welcome to the "Journey." I'm glad to call you a friend so I can walk the path with you. *hugs*

  2. Hi, Cat! This ride is a trip. Enjoy it. Not everyone is brave enough to work for their dreams.
