Monday, March 30, 2009

crap or not crap? That is the question

Jane wrote a scene. The scene had action, suspence, and a quirky hint of a love interest. What more can a reader want? And then, two days later she re-reads it and her excitement disappears. In its place, she feels dread and horror (apparently as much as the main character did in the already written scene).

Does that ever happen to you? What you thought was perfect is now jumpy, inconclusive, and well... crap?

If so, I would like to introduce you to the crap trolls. They live in your computer and re-write your scenes when you're not looking. The longer you stay away, the busier they are. They are often confused for the type-o worms and the punctuation eating ponies, but let's put blame where it belongs.

Every computer has a small population of these writing nemesis. My computer seems to have an over run with them. If anyone knows how to get rid of them, please let me know.

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