Monday, March 16, 2009

Do you ever with you could undo something you already did? I sometimes think that about the whole writing process. Before I started writing, I was normal. I was happy. I read books that made me happy. 

Then one day, I ran out of good books to read. I decided to write a story that I would love. So I did... I even wrote it's sequel. 

And now I am filled with doubt, alienation, and neurosis. I miss the girl I was before. The answer would be simple, right? You stop writing. I tried that.... but it's the same feeling after a break up. You miss the little things that drove you crazy before. I miss meeting these characters and hearing their quirky comments. For everyone else, when the voices stop talking to you, it's a good thing. For a writer it's the kiss of death. 

Moral of the story: I need to remember why I started to write... I started because I wanted stories that I would love to read over and over. Hopefully some day, I will be able to entertain you too.

1 comment:

  1. I can't tell you how often since I've had Jack I've thought, "It would just be easier if I didn't have this dream..." But I *do* have it. And you know what? Easier isn't always better, and I'm having a blast on the journey.
    Hang in there.
