Monday, April 13, 2009

The Road Traveled

I know, I'm misquoting Robert Frost, but today I'm going to be talking about a heavily traveled road. It is the path to publication. I've thought about it a lot. I discussed it with close friends. And the more I learn about it, the more I think I must be a masochist.

Seriously,I am working hard, pushing myself to grab hold of the brass ring. I want to have a literary agent and be published. I want to see my novels in the bookstores, and to most people, they think this is where the curtains fall and the hero/heroine steps into the sunset. They are dead wrong. The more I hear about life after publication, I wonder if this is really want I want to do as my "hobby". It's heartbreaking, emotionally draining, demoralizing. Heck, I would have more fun as a crack addict. At least there are more highs... but yet I still want to wander down this road. I want to push myself that hard. As bad as it sounds, at this moment, I'm willing to risk the heartache if it brings me one step closer to the limelight.

So, please raise a glass with me if you also one of the miserable and insane. Here's to our hopes, our fears, and our demoralizing, arduous journey.

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